Follow Useful Tips for Weight Management

It’s not just about those looks that you have gained through weight loss and that makes you look so wonderful, learning to manage your weight is healthiest thing that you can do for your body. According to a recent Penn State University study, majority of people are struggling hard to lose weight on diet plans but most of them have gained the weight back within few years. The main reason is that the strategies they used to lose weight are not necessary to keep the weight off. Researchers and experts have identified that there are four main strategies associated with weight management not weight loss, which include, a regular exercise routine, eating low-fat protein, keep reminding yourself that why you need to control your weight and reward yourself for adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Here, we give you some useful expert tips for your weight management that also keeps those pounds off:

Enjoy exercise regularly:

Instead of having any type of exercise, it is important that you pick a physical activity that you enjoy to do and can stick with it. Susan E. Schenck, MS, nutrition expert says that a regular exercise or physical activity makes you sensitive to insulin and it means that you burn excess fat instead of sugar, are less hunger and stay slim. It also helps to make you feel good.

Count your calories in the right way:

Research and studies have shown that restrictive diets with careful calorie count cannot work for long period of time. Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, clinical associate professor at Boston University, advises that strict calorie counting cannot sustainable. A woman can count calories by ensuring that the food whether it is meat or fish should fix in the palm of her hand. A man can thinks about size of his credit card and double this portion with vegetable and fill remaining part of the plate with whole-grain food. He further says that calories do play a role but you need to think beyond the numbers and start thinking about the calories in terms of quality, not quantity.

Consume more fiber:

Blake says that fruits, vegetables and whole grains are very kind to the weight. These high-fiber foods will fill you up instead of filling you out. Eat 4-5 cups of fruits or vegetables every day and taking a salad before meal can decrease your calories by 10 percent. Also, a cup or bowl of a vegetable soup can work as well.

Control consumption of carbohydrates:

“Keep the amount of carbohydrates to a minimum level because some foods such as baked potato can cause rise in insulin, it is a hormone that causes the body to store fat. Secondly, if you are consuming sugar then you will be hungry all the time,” says Schenck. But if you consume low-carbohydrate diet then you burn fat and you will not be hungry between meals. She further advises that avoid using artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, because they may cause you to gain weight.

Downsize your portions:

“It has become a trend that people fill up larger plates with food and then clean off their plate, which means consuming more calories per meal,” notes Blake. He further advises that smaller portions of food are vital to weight management. You can eat often but in smaller portions and plan your meals about three hours apart.

Learn about proteins, vitamins and minerals:

Proteins such as egg, chicken and fish help you to avoid cravings. Vitamins, such as Niacin help maintain the muscle mass and vitamin B6 maintains the blood sugar level which minimizes the sugar cravings. Minerals help in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The bottom line is that make sure to eat protein foods, balance them throughout the day and take a nutritional supplements according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Don’t forget dairy products:

According to American Diabetic Association, people should include dairy foods in their diet for weight management. According to the National Dairy Council, the three servings of cheese, milk, or yogurt in one day can help you to lose weight and burn fat. “Non-fat or low fat dairy products are the important source of vitamin D,” says Blake.

Start a food diary:

“Start writing a food diary and you will see that it will become so easy to forget what you eat in one day and what you have to do is to jot down the foods that you eat in the diary and if possible, an approximate calorie count as well,” says Schenck. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Obesity Education Initiative, if a person keeps a food diary and an activity diary then these are one of the best ways to help him/her for losing and managing weight. In these diaries, you can include your diet, your daily exercise and also your weight goals.

Keep a healthy & positive attitude:

Staying motivated and positive is a significant part of weight management. According to Debbie Mandel, MS, fitness and stress expert, in order to keep your weight off after a diet, make peace with your food and body. She further says that one of the main reasons of weight gain is stress and exercise releases stress and improves a person’s mood. Eat balanced meals and get sufficient sleep for a better regulation of hormones. But most importantly, do not obsess with your weight. If you release your discontentment then you will feel lighter and see yourself as fit and smart.

For more professional consultation about weight management, consult Island Medical Consultants in NYC:

All these tips will definitely help you to manage your weight for a healthy lifestyle, but without a proper professional consultation, it will make it difficult for you to get what you want. So, you can consult specialists at Island Medical Consultants in NYC, who provide you a customized diet plan and exercise program tailored according to your needs that ensures improving your overall health and maintaining your weight, so that you can live a healthy life.